Дата на издаване: 2021-08-27 С този албум Sony Classical празнува 50-та годишнина от знаковата концертна постановка Mass на Leonard Bernstein, която ще се завърне на сцена през септември 2022 г. Track list:
I. Devotions Before Mass
1. Antiphon: Kyrie Eleison
2. Hymn And Psalm: "A Simple Song"
3. Responsory: Alleluia
Il. First Introit (Rondo)
1. Prefatory Prayers
2. Thrice - Triple Canon: Dominum Vobiscum
Ill. Second Introit
1. In Nomine Patris
2. Prayer For The Congregation (Chorale: "Almighty Father")
3. Epiphany
IV. Confession
1. Confiteor
2. Trope: "I Don't Know"
3. Trope: "Easy"
V. Meditation No. 1
Vl. Gloria
1. Gloria Tibi
2. Gloria In Excelsis
3. Trope: "Half Of The People"
4. Trope: "Thank You"
VIl. Meditation No. 2
VIll. Epistle: "The Word Of The Lord"
IX. Gospel-Sermon: "God Said"
X. Credo
1. Credo In Unum Deum
2. Trope: "Non Credo"
3. Trope: "Hurry"
4. Trope: "World Without End"
5. Trope: "I Believe In God"
Xl. Meditation #3 (De Profundis, Part 1)
Xll. Offertory (De Profundis, Part 2)
Xlll. The Lord's Prayer
1. "Our Father..."
2. Trope: "I Go On"
XlV. Sanctus
XV. Agnus Dei (Beginning)
XV. Agnus Dei (Conclusion)
XVI. Fraction: "Things Get Broken"
XVIl. Pax: Communion ("Secret Songs")
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